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Drop of Compassion, Beryl

SKU: VTT0002 | 6040 Total Views

1 pcs
Classification   Beryl (Variety.Heliodor)

Location  Bangkok Thailand

Shape  Fancy

Approx. Weight  52.43 Carats

Approx. Dimensions 1.00 x 1.00 x 1.00 mm

Depth Percentage 100.00%

Owner's Description  

Drop of Compassion, Berly:

Cut by world master cutter "Mr.Victor Tuzlukov".

            Old man enjoyed hunting. His sharp eye and firm hand brought him luck, and he used to show his trophies to his friends. Once he had a strange dream that he want hunting again and met a beautiful deer. The beast did not suspect anything and the hunter’s position for shooting was favorable.

            At the moment of shoot the deer suddenly turned back and met the eyes of the hunter: And- the time stopped. Everything stood still with no movement, the bullet stopped dead in the air: The hunter’s mind continued its work and a distinct thought thrust in his consciousness:

            - Madman! Your arrogance made you consider yourself higher than God. A drop of Life, great and eternal, is pulsing in each being. Predators kill by the instinct to get food. But only you, man, kill for fun. How can you take away from living beings what is given not by you? Madman, madman!

            It seemed that scales fell from his eyes. Casting off chains of numbness he rushed forward and caught the bullet hanging in the air: Pain in his hand pushed him back to the reality. Shaking of the rest of his dream, he peered surprisingly at the lead ball cooling in his palm. “This bullet will always remind me about the Drop of the Single Life, uniting all beings of the Earth.” “Let it be! – Thankful voice of the rescued brother from his dream reached his ears. – Man is being born from a man, when his drop of Life turns to the drop of Compassion to all livings. And it means that you are on the right way.”


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